Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekly Wrap UP

This week has been a good week for the shop. I've added new items to it such as the headbands that I can make in any size and color.
How cute are they?!?!? Any little girl would LOVE to have some of them to complete their outfit.

I also added something new this week. The survivor bracelets ( or paracord bracelets).

I've been wanting to make some for a while now but I didn't  know where to get the stuff I needed to make them and I didn't actually know how to make them. I did a lot of research and found out I can go to my local craft store and get the stuff I needed to make them. I came home and with in 15 minutes I had the fist one ( the rainbow one) made and then 10 minutes later I made my second one. These things are addicting to make. They don't take long and it is something that I can do while I take a break from crocheting. Best thing about it is that I don't have to actually pay attention to what I'm doing, I can just sit back and relax or what tv with my family but still do something because my hands has to be moving. 

That pretty much sums up this week. I hope next week will be as good as this week was for the shop. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013

Sorry I haven't been here posting for a couple of months. Life got real busy around the holidays. Speaking of holidays...HAPPY 2013!!!!!!!!

New things is going to be happening in 2013 for June's Pretty Things. I'm going to try to blog at least once or twice a week. I haven't been good at blogging but I hope that I can change that this year.
I will be adding more items to the shop too. I will have new items that you can customize to fit the size you need and want with the colors that you want.
I'm also going to be having ready to ship items in the shop too. What does that mean??? It means that if you order an item that is ready to ship, you won't have to wait the 5-7 days for me to make the item and mail it to you. What will the item look like? It will be what you see in the surprises and no waiting for it to be made !!! :)
There is a whole lot more coming to but I don't want to say to much at one time so just follow June's Pretty Things here and on Facebook and you will find out.