Cody from Lu & Ed is awesome on every level. She makes these adorable one of a kind monster plushes. And when I say one of a kind I really mean it, she cuts them out by hand without a pattern.
Mon-stors are a copyright protected original creation created by Lu & Ed. They may not be replicated, copied or reproduced in any way
I don't know about your kids, but my kids don't like cleaning up their bedroom. Cody came up with this awesome monster that "eats" dirty laundry, toys, really anything you put in it. So when the kids is cleaning up their rooms they can think about it as the monster really eating what they feed it:)
See this one is "eating". I really LOVE these <3
Mon-stors are a copyright protected original creation created by Lu & Ed. They may not be replicated, copied or reproduced in any way
Go by and check out her shop. Go ahead and adopt a monster too :)
Thanks for the feature! :) You rock!